The Elks Run Watershed provides drinking water for all of Harpers Ferry and Bolivar, West Virginia. Elks Run is impaired due to high levels of bacteria and sediment. To help raise awareness, the Elks Run Watershed Group is creating a series of short conservation videos to educate homeowners about simple practices they can apply around their homes to reduce stormwater runoff and keep septic systems, a potential source of bacteria, functioning properly. Funding to support many of these conservation practices for homeowners is available from the West Virginia Conservation Agency through rebates and cost sharing.
The first two conservation videos cover the use and installation of rain gardens, #raingardens, and rain barrels, #rainbarrels, to control stormwater runoff. Soon to be added to the video collection is a video on understanding septic systems, recognizing signs of septic failure, and how to get financial assistance for pumping and repairs. Another video in the works will address the importance of managing pet waste.
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The West Virginia Conservation Agency, Eastern Panhandle Conservation District; and the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection have been administering a small Environmental Protection Agency grant to implement on the ground restoration practices including streambank stabilization and tree planting to improve water quality and reduce non-point source pollution in the Elks Run Watershed. Some of those funds are set aside for education and outreach.
Questions? Call the Eastern Panhandle Conservation District (304) 263-4376 ext. 3 or email Suzy Campbell at
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