The cleaner the source water, the easier it is to treat, and the lower the expense of treatment.
Elks Run Watershed Group is collaborating with partners to help restore Elks Run and protect the drinking water supply of Harpers Ferry and Bolivar. Partners include the Harpers Ferry Water Commission, Harpers Ferry Merchant Association, West Virginia Rivers Coalition, the WV Department of Environmental Protection, WV Conservation Agency, Region 9 Planning and Development Council, Potomac Valley Audubon Society, The Downstream Project — who maintains this website — and others.
The key to restoring and protecting Elks Run is people. Homeowners, farmers, and businesses all play a part. In these pages, learn how you can help. And sign up for periodic e-news, too!
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There are two plans to help restore Elks Run and protect the drinking water for Harpers Ferry and Bolivar.
Harpers Ferry Source Water Protection Plan. A source water protection does two things. It helps water utilities, public agencies, and emergency responders understand potential significant sources of contamination that can impact drinking water supplies — and plan how to respond in emergencies. It also helps the public stay informed in get involved in restoring and protecting the streams that supply their drinking water. Read the Harpers Ferry Source Water Protection Plan
Elks Run Watershed Based Plan. The Elks Run Watershed Based Plan is a voluntary framework for achieving the nonpoint source aspects of the “Total Maximum Daily Load” (TMDL) for Elks Run. The TMDL is a scientific measurement of how much nitrogen, phosphorous, and sediment a stream can absorb from runoff and still be healthy. Sources of these pollutants come from a variety of sources, like agriculture, failing septic systems, construction activities, and lawn fertilizers — all of which can drain into waterways after rainfall.
The Watershed Based Plan is a starting point to focus restoration efforts and enable financial and technical assistance to facilitate improvement strategies and restoration projects in the Elks Run Watershed. This restoration process should be assisted by local agency representatives and stakeholders. Elks Run Watershed Based Plan